Monday, August 18, 2008

Hosea 3

We discussed Hosea 3 (all 5 verses of it), and discovered that God definitely gives and He takes away. But, He does so with loving intentions of drawing our dependence back to Him. We have to learn to let things go and learn to depend on God. Gomer had to give up depending on her body and sex to get what she wanted and turn to God for understanding. How many times has this happened in our lives? It seems like it happens over and over again (you'd think I'd learn) - but it continues to happen, and hopefully I learn to let go and let God with less time and trouble than I did the time before. If only I could have the faith and obedience that Hosea had. I admire how much strength and faith he had in order to follow through with the seemingly crazy things that God asked of him. Strong unwaivering faith and dependence on God - that's what it boils down to...