Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Are you angry?

Paul declares, “Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger” (Eph 4:26 RSV). Paul clearly indicates that we can feel angry without sinning.
The point, then, isn’t that anger is a sinful emotion but a dangerous one. When we examine the New Testament thoroughly on the point, in fact, we never find it condemning any emotion as sinful in itself. It’s always the action which proceeds from an emotion that is judged sinful. If we believe that the feeling of anger is sinful, we’ll be inclined to judge ourselves unfairly whenever we feel angry. We’ll assume that God is displeased with us, and we may find it harder to approach him for help. We’ll be likely to repress the feeling of anger, with all the psychological backlash that can result. If we can accept our feelings of anger as normal, human and not condemned by God, then we’ll find it easier to own these emotions, work through them and move beyond them.
Read the rest of Blaine Smith's article about anger here

Have you had bouts of anger this week?

Where did your anger lead - was it destructive or productive in the eyes of God?


Anonymous said...

1.) A coach called me on Thursday and asked if I was going to be doing any treatments over the weekend (in my mind I thought "well of course not, why would I want to do that!? some are so inconsiderate of my free time!), but out loud I volunteered to come in on Friday to help one of our athletes...I love my job, but it makes me angry when my vacation (selfish) is interrupted by helping others...Even writing this I'm angered at how selfish I can be at times

Marcy said...

Ren, I'm always so impressed with how giving you are. Truly.